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Belinda & Tim Thomas - Ochaye Australian Shepherds

We started showing Australian Shepherds over 10 years ago and quickly fell in love with the breed. We love that aussies are a family dog and a very loyal companion. 
We pride ourselves on the temperaments that we breed and we love being able to find the perfect homes and introduce new people to a wonderful life with an aussie by their side.

Temperament and soundness are the most important things to us. Aussies are a very family orientated dog. All our dogs are part of our family and live indoors and outdoors. Our puppies are raised in the house and are constantly exposed to anything they would experience in their new home. 

Our Show Ring Success

Since our first litter, we have bred/co-bred over 20 Australian Champions and 4 Supreme Champions. We are home to the youngest Supreme Champion male Australian Shepherd, Optimus "Supreme Champion Ochaye I Am Prime" attained his title at just 17 months of age. We are also home to the youngest Supreme Champion female Australian Shepherd, Boo "Supreme Champion Ochaye You do You" having attained her title at just 20 months.

When not showing, we are also conformation judges having judged both in queensland, interstate and internationally as well. 

Our Breeding Program

We take pride in the dogs breed. We breed for quality, not quantity. A dam with good conformation, structure and temperament is vital to our breeding program. We believe the combination of both a tightly bred pedigree and the choosing of a dog that physically compliments our girls is the key to breeding sound, healthy and typey puppies.

We are constantly looking to improve our lines and go overseas regularly to judge dogs and research dogs that could be beneficial to our lines. We have imported two of the top winning US imports to campaign in Australia whilst adding them to our breeding program. We also have imported semen from Europe, USA and Hong Kong that we have planned to use in our program

All our litters are carefully planned ahead of time with the thought of producing sound puppies that can improve the breed and our lines. 

Our dogs are all health screened prior to mating to ensure they are not carriers of genetic diseases that could affect their offspring. We also hip and elbow score our dogs for any signs of displaysia as well as having yearly eye checks.

We are passionate about raising happy and healthy puppies. Our breeding process involves a lot of time and effort to ensure each litter is prepared for their arrival. Once the puppies are born, we dedicate ourselves to their welfare with great care. We start handling them from day one, exposing them to various smells and sounds. We understand how important early grooming desensitisation is, so we start trimming their nails from the age of one week and introduce baths at 6 weeks. 

Our Puppy Allocation Process

As a responsible breeder, we want our puppies to go to the best homes possible. We encourage all prospective owners to contact us and provide us with more information about their lifestyle, preferences, and needs. Through this process, we can ensure that we are placing our puppies in the best homes. 

We understand that getting a puppy is a big decision, we're here to help make that process easier for you. While we understand that people have preferences, we will never allocate puppies solely based on coat color or looks. Our goal is to help you find the perfect puppy that will fit seamlessly into your life and your family.

We also encourage any prospective owners wanting to do sports/showing to reach out to us. 


Don't hesitate to reach out to us to learn more about our available puppies and our allocation process.

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